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The First Asian Conference on Defence Technology
(Theme: Defence, Safety and Security Technology; Information and Communications Technology)

Download Poster here

welcomes submissions of state of the art technical papers, experience papers, and panel presentations from experts in government, industry and academia in military technology. ACDT seeks papers from across the full spectrum of technologies in the military domain. This event aims to bring together many scholars, researchers and managers of various areas and industries for intellectual exchanges, research cooperation and professional development. In addition to providing a venue for publication and presentation of peer-reviewed papers, the conference provides attendees with the opportunity to network, exchange ideas, discuss and disseminate the most recent advances in military technology around the world.Moreover, this program also offers excellent networking opportunities toparticipants, with a wonderful taste of local culture. Accepted and presented papers will be published in the IEEE Xplore and ACDT 2015 Conference Proceedings .


Apr 22, 2015

Please follow this link to display floor plan for booth and conference:

Mar 31, 2015

Regular = 20 minutes (15 for presentation + 5 for questions)
Poster = 2 minutes for presentation

Poster Presentation Guidelines
1. The poster must be A0 size
2. Each presenter is allocated two minutes to present a short description of the work.
3. The poster should be displayed at the allocated area before the presentation time.
4. The presenters should remain with the posters until the end of the presentation time

Mar 30, 2015

Please see more detail in Conference Venue.Room Reservation is limited and depend on availability of the date & time desired.

Mar 19, 2015

How to Submit

  1. Login to the system, at My Papers, click "Submit a camera-ready manuscript for this paper"
  2. Browse each file to the system including
    1. Manuscript Source (doc)
    2. Manuscript Source (for image, table that extra from Manuscript Source)
    3. Manuscript PDF
    4. Copyright Transfer Form
    When you browse, click "Upload" on each file.

Mar 13, 2015

Please see more detail in the registration page

Show All Announcements

Important Dates

Date Title
   February 14, 2015 Paper Submission *** Last Extended ***
   March 07, 2015 Acceptance Notification
   March 22, 2015 Early Registration
   March 22, 2015 Camera-Ready Submission
   April 23 – 25, 2015 ACDT 2015 Conference Period
